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Re: Sandbox mode versus Regular mode

Verfasst: Montag 15. Juni 2020, 13:46
von UesugiKenshin
This means the AI in regular mode acts very peculiar to tick off its milestones and then understands that it is winning by achieving these milestones that are not realistic to the control of a galaxy. It's why in regular mode that the galaxy is so haphazardly formed in ways that would almost certainly result in usurpers then seizing the galaxy as you by using rush tactics were a usurper yourself. It would be the worst way to start a galactic empire as it promotes instability

The only way to fix that would be to fundamentally alter BotE's AI or have prebuilt infrastruxture through modding so the AI has much more of a realistic empire from the onset. That is why great strategy wargames do this. You assume the leadership of a starting empire and expand it. And the larger the empire,the more options you have, and with many ways to "win", but generally you have to conquer. That sets the military operating tempo and is more realistic.

Re: Sandbox mode versus Regular mode

Verfasst: Montag 15. Juni 2020, 13:56
von UesugiKenshin
Real empires have to deal with two main elements: successful invasions but successful occupations and pacification so the region can be calm enough to rebuild and pay taxes. And then secondly then generate new troops from that region so even more regions can be pacified and this is based on the authority of leadership.

And the farther away the frontiers are, the harder it is to make these things work. That is why starting at the center and spreading out, doesn't ultimately work and why few empires lasted more than several hundred years. Authority is not respected and maintained to have both elements work.

The only vague way this shows up is in the sector status indicating the morale of the people in that sector. This would be extremely difficult without "government buildings" in real life. Straight away you have injustice where local artistocrats get away with terrible deeds and graft where the very same aristocrats skim money from the treasuries that are supposed to go back to the capitol for leadership to dispense.

There are various ways the Romans did this as Germania was not the same as Egypt in ethos and temperment. Yet they lasted longer than anyone due to client kingdoms. Authority is shared or is reflective of a puppet state in the worst political situation. See North Korea ultimately controlled by China.

Good modding would reflect this. Even races that think they want to join as "members" voluntarily would actually always have opposition groups and insurgency who act in direct and indirect ways to "lower morale" so the transition is disrupted. See Northern Ireland or historically Afghanistan or India/Pakistan.

Empires fail as colonization leads to independence movements. See the USA seperating from Great Britain. That is why Robert Heinlein wrote "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress". ... h_Mistress

A way for to BotE to expand is say version 2 would be showing representation of maintaining military bases to support the authority and buildings that represent various way to assert authority and tax rates up to penaltative levels to control the will of the people by breaking their ability to resist. Or have the intelligence agencies managing the local insurgency or else other major alien races would attempt to have diplomatic relations with that insurgency to overthrow sectors. See the mujahedin facilitated by the USA versus the USSR in Afghanistan. That is way more realistic and effective than the way sabotage works now.

Bases then act to pacify and act as a way to locally muster troops.

See how that works? It fulfills the very goals to make empires to have longevity and add political stability and countered with opposition groups and insurgency as local sector politics may make mustering troops and starship modulate in generation. If the authority of the major alien species is alligned with the minor alien race in a sector, then more troops, starships, and income are generated. But the very opposite is true when there is political instabilty.

A grand endgame would be schisms in an empire and civil war and uprising and independence movements. See the fall of the Berlin Wall and the disintergration of the USSR.

That is basically the gist of Rome 1 Total War Barbarian Invasion.

Re: Sandbox mode versus Regular mode

Verfasst: Montag 22. Juni 2020, 17:04
von UesugiKenshin

Sandbox mode
In advaced turns, when you terraform all planets with 3 colony ships in that sector, and then colonize with all three, then 99% of the time you get all resources available in that sector so up to 4 mines in each main resource (5) so 20 mines. Then if deritium is available then you do that manually. You get 4 farms, 4 energy cells, 4 type 2 intelligence agencies, 4 basic research facilities. I usually rush food production upgrades to level 2 sometimes 3, rarely 4 as some sectors are problematic then do spacedocks.

The beginning resources are in paratheses and are mixed up at high levels like the current game I am playing which is turn #692. Then after a few turns, then it updates the local amount of "storage" and then I have to either buy resources in the main trade screen as some resource in the sector may be absent like deritium. Or (and this is a lot of trouble) create a resource route to this newly colonized sector.

Early on money is tight and you don't have any spare credits so have to do resource routing. But if you manipuate resource prices by selling your expensive ore/crystals, then buy cheap ore/crystals, that is a part of resource price manipulation as you artificially created demand.

If you only use one colony ship, and only terraform one planet, it may or may not recognize all resources are present or may think you can't have a spacedock there.

And then later, you have to dispatch another colony ship and so that time to construct plus taking the speed into account to arrive. For example the Omega Chet Magnum class has a speed of 2/turn. It may take quite some time and the patrol escort is having to watch across many sectors to see if any colonists need rescuing.

To me that is silly as I want maximum efficiency so the sector most quickly is producing ore/crystals and later units to prevent a ground invasion and even starship construction.

But there is no threat to that sector and minor alien races won't leave their home sectors.

Note: only one colony ship actually colonizes. If the bug did not exist, then you would not waste those 2 colony ships turns but immediately redeploy them to navigate to a new sector assignment.

Regular mode.

In the first 200 turns, a massive pop rush phenomena exists where scouts survey as fast as possible, you send waves of colony ships to terraform quickly and establish ownership. You cannot do methodical maximal efficiency but halfass the process. You then struggle to control ownership and have to use up military assets to patrol and develop starbases likely. Later you will create units, starships locally, and sector defenses.
In either case, when a sector has resources but the system does not recognize they exist, in subsequent turns, you may be able to colonize more planets in that sector or slow intrasector migration will start happening contingent upon planet class and if your tech supports terraforming those other planets.
At higher levels of either ability or difficulty and turns, you most likely want to create a colonization blitz where you have a massive organized orchestrated colonization effort. Why? You need the ore/crystals to keep your economy solvent. All those resource routes drive you insane and then become redundant as you locally are producing ore/crystals. On giant maps then you cannot just glance at the map and see where that resource route came from. You have to scroll through maybe hundreds of pages scrutinizing an overage and correct this by canceling a resource route.

This is fairly complex the first time you comprehend this as well as fighting probes by a dumb AI who thinks early conflict is militarily useful. It is not, but horrendously foolish and futile. Low level powers with substandard military forces and poor unit composition cannot project power effectively.

Attacking uselessly is not waging war, but just an emotional hissy fit...akin to a 2 year old having a temper tantrum.

Re: Sandbox mode versus Regular mode

Verfasst: Montag 22. Juni 2020, 17:18
von UesugiKenshin
Historically some local samurai would be in a squad and be posted at the border and would constantly be probed by another enemy clan and so have skirmishes and pointless engagements and retreats.

Similarly today, the Russians jets probe into US borders and have to be interdicted and chased out by US patrols. It's nuts and accomplishes nothing. At a high operating tempo with many probes, then tired soldiers overreact and soldiers get killed. That is how war begins over nothing.

Re: Sandbox mode versus Regular mode

Verfasst: Montag 22. Juni 2020, 17:24
von UesugiKenshin
This is what happens in Kingdom of Heaven. Neither side can engage without mammoth casualties, yet zealots on both sides crave war. Both sides have fanatics who think, "God wills it." NOPE, the insane want pointless battles.

Wise leadership knows battles are won,not by numbers, or just morale, but by tactics and strategy.
An-Nasir Salah ad-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub wisely is waiting for the Crusaders to do something stupid so he can preserve his soldiers and then attack Jerusalem. Even then, he will lose a large contingent not his total forces.

Re: Sandbox mode versus Regular mode

Verfasst: Montag 22. Juni 2020, 17:27
von UesugiKenshin
That horrendous error by fanatics led to the Battle of Hattin. The Crusaders were annihilated and so the defenders of Jersualem died and so could not defend the city.

A smart way would be to have modders build infrastructure and military forces and then when appropriate as a strategic and tactical errors happen, then you attack.

Re: Sandbox mode versus Regular mode

Verfasst: Montag 22. Juni 2020, 17:38
von UesugiKenshin
Pointless skirmishes escalate and induce attrition. That leads to not only losses but injuries, disease, supply chain issues, orders have to be constantly changed, and so it causes ridiculous waste. And nothing is accomplished.

And then, one side has worse attrition and can no longer be effective and have no surplus to drawdown from, and so one side falters.

That has zero strategic planning amd is not waging war. You wage war by dictating the sites of conflicts and the rules of engagements and can induce ambushes and orchestrated pincher moves and hammer and anvil attacks amd pinning, and so forth.

Re: Sandbox mode versus Regular mode

Verfasst: Montag 22. Juni 2020, 17:43
von UesugiKenshin
Waging peace allows intelligent commanders to muster troops, prepare defenses, estimate necessary fleet and unit strengths to overcome the enemy, etc.

In BotE, this allows diplomacy and so inclusion of minor race research from starships to then in the ship designer be incorporated in revisions to your fleet and your new members' starships.

This allows money to be made from ore/crystal sales to muster reserves as during a war time economy,then one is not generating infrastructure to increase profit, but finishing up estimations of troops sizes required and compensating based on new intel reports.

All empires wage war this way and the ones who do it most effectively win wars.

Re: Sandbox mode versus Regular mode

Verfasst: Montag 22. Juni 2020, 17:45
von UesugiKenshin
The better you are at waging peace, the lower the chance of actual battles as it becomes ludicrous to wage war against a stronger enemy unless you can do asymmetrical warfare better than a stronger foe. ... rd-offset/

In BotE, sabotage is asymmetrical warfare.